Do Stay At Home Parents Need Life Insurance?

When breadwinners have life insurance, they can rest assured knowing that if the unthinkable were to occur, their families would be able to move on financially in Cumming, GA. However, there are those who, while not earning a paycheck each week, still provide valuable services to their families. Do they need life insurance too? The answer is, Yes! Stay-at-home parents do need life insurance and here are 4 reasons why from Wichalonis Insurance Agency.

1. End of Life Expenses.

Even a cheap burial or cremation can cost thousands of dollars, and most families do not have that kind of money sitting in a savings account. Additionally, if one passes after a hospital stay or illness, medical bills can be financially crippling to many families. Life insurance can pay for all of these end of life expenses so that the survivors can lay their loved one to rest without stressing over money when grieving. 

2. Paying for Unpaid Work.

Even though at-home parents don’t earn a paycheck each week, they still perform valuable services for their families. This work still has to be completed if they were no longer around. Life insurance can provide funds to pay for child care, cleaning, and other work that the at-home parent provided for the family.

3. Taking Time.

When children are involved, grief can get complicated. Having life insurance funds in an account can provide employment flexibility for the surviving parent to take some extra time in the aftermath of a tragedy. The kids may need a little extra love and attention as they struggle through these hard times.

4. Future Expenses.

Many at-home parents plan on re-entering the workforce after the kids are of school age to help the family’s bottom line. If those earnings are no longer an option, life insurance can provide extra money to make up the difference in future lost wages.

If you need information about life insurance in Cumming, GA, contact Wichalonis Insurance Agency today.