Three situations when it’s important to update your auto insurance coverage

In certain situations, you may need to update your auto insurance coverage to ensure you have the necessary coverage. Wichalonis Insurance Agency can answer any questions about auto insurance coverage updates in Cumming, GA. 

The following are three situations when updating your auto insurance is important. 

You’re relocating to a new home.

If you’re moving, you may need to update your policy. You’ll need to change your policy if relocating to a new state. 

You also need to update your policy if your move has significantly impacted the length of your daily commute. Putting more or fewer miles on your vehicle every month could impact your premium and policy details. Be sure to notify your insurance provider of changes to your commute length. 

You’re buying a new vehicle or adding an additional car to your policy.

Your auto insurance provider needs to know about any vehicle changes on your policy. If you buy a new vehicle and want it to be covered by your policy, make sure you discuss this with your insurance provider. Changing the vehicle on your policy could change your premium costs. 

Your child has just gotten a license.

If your child has just learned to drive and gotten a license, you’ll probably want to add them to your auto insurance policy. You’ll need to notify your insurance company to ensure your policy is in effect when your child is behind the wheel in your vehicle. 

Call us at Wichalonis Insurance Agency if you need a new auto insurance policy. Our insurance company provides auto insurance coverage to motorists in Cumming, GA. Call us to learn more about our insurance offerings or to get an auto insurance policy quote.